Saturday, 19 January 2013
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM, Edmonton
Get Publishing Communications Society (GPCS) is collaborating with the Alberta Magazine Publishers Association (AMPA) and The Writers’ Guild of Alberta (WGA) to offer the following online tool workshop. Registration is now open!
These days, digital “illiteracy” can be a deal-breaker for publishers—regardless of your manuscript’s quality. Whether you’re writing for magazines or looking ahead to your next (or first!) book project, publishers expect you to know the ins and outs of digital promotion.
In this seminar, Omar Mouallem teaches magazine writers and book authors alike how to use social media to promote their stories and attract readers. As well, he explains how to store your work in “the cloud,” organize your queries and research using spreadsheets, track down the best professional development and networking websites, and use sweet software to stamp out distractions.
Join Omar for a workshop that is chockfull of digital tips and tricks.
Omar Mouallem is an Edmonton-based writer and editor who has contributed to the Globe and Mail, Eighteen Bridges, enRoute and South China Morning Post. The former Avenue magazine editor is a National Magazine Awards finalist, winner of a Sex-Positive Journalism Award and recipient of AMPA’s 2012 Best Alberta Story. Omar is writer-in-residence at the Edmonton Public Library. He tweets: @omar_aok.
Additional Information
1. Refreshments and muffins provided.
2. There are both metered and free parking spots in the vicinity of the Strathcona Branch of the Edmonton Public Library. Many ETS buses stop near the library.
Cancellation Policy
The registration fee, less 20% for administration costs, will be refunded if notice of cancellation is received on or before January 5, 2013 (two weeks prior to the workshop). No refunds will be given if notice of cancellation is received after January 5, 2013, and no refunds will be given for “no shows.”
For more information, contact Theresa Agnew at